Monday, December 17, 2012



Meeting the needs of diverse markets


As the number of applications for satellite IP communications grows, so does the need for specialized services in market segments. iDirect’s presence continues to expand across a broad range of industries as we leverage our expertise and advanced technology to meet the varied needs of these customers.
iDirect Enterprise Connectivity

Enterprise Connectivity

iDirect advanced technology provides enterprises with immediate global reach, enabling the essential integration across terrestrial and satellite networks and platforms. iDirect technology is trusted to support critical IP applications across the enterprise from VoIP, VPN and Internet access to streaming media and data backup.
iDirect Energy & Utilities

Energy & Utilities

Energy and Utilities are making progress developing a next-generation communications network capable of running their smart grid, but many Utilities need to plan how to affordably and reliably extend this communications network to the difficult to reach locations of their service territory.
iDirect Maritime Connectivity

Maritime Connectivity

Satellite communications play a vital role within the maritime industry and iDirect is a technology leader providing the platform of choice for service providers connecting vessels at sea. iDirect’s VSAT technology is the most broadly deployed solution across the growing ranks of broadband-enabled vessels.
iDirect Cellular Backhaul

Cellular Backhaul

As the demand for wireless voice and data services increases so does the challenge for mobile operators to cost effectively expand their networks. Whether it is for network fill in or expanding capabilities into remote and rural areas, satellite technology plays a key role in backhauling voice and data traffic and will continue to be a valuable solution for 2G, 3G and beyond.
iDirect Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

An iDirect network meets the demand of drilling companies in some of the harshest conditions on earth. By providing reliable voice, data and video access, iDirect supports real-time information exchange between in-field operations and on-shore experts. The result is faster, more accurate analysis on drilling data that optimizes production and contains costs.
iDirect Aeronautical Connectivity

Aeronautical Connectivity

iDirect has developed the next-generation satellite IP router technology to power in-flight broadband connectivity, overcoming technical and operational challenges that grounded previous solutions. Airlines that implement iDirect’s technology can offer in-flight connectivity for a broad range of passenger and crew applications.
iDirect Military Defense

International Defence and Government

An essential element for any military organization is the ability to communicate, share information and provide support for large mobile groups of personnel anytime, anyplace.
iDirect Business Continuity & Disaster Preparedness

Business Continuity and Disaster Preparedness

iDirect satellite networks keep businesses and organizations running at high speeds when land lines are not an option or terrestrial networks fail. iDirect’s technology provides the reliable, secure, high-speed business continuity over satellite for seamless connectivity that keeps organizations operating more smoothly through any event.
iDirect Emergency Relief

Emergency Relief

High-speed Internet access can make all the difference in emergency life and death situations where every second counts. iDirect helps relief teams leverage satellite communications, enabling immediate broadband connectivity to deliver lifesaving services not dependent on terrestrial infrastructure.
iDirect Education & Training


When schools and universities are beyond the limits of terrestrial broadband services, iDirect’s satellite connectivity bridges the digital divide. Through two-way networks that enable interactive video conferencing and chat, for instance, organizations and institutions can expand any educational or training program worldwide.

Service Covering -Middle East and North Africa

Service Covering -Middle East and North Africa

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